Diverse Position Science Fiction

Is Science Fiction Changing in order to reach to a broader more diverse group of people?

This is a question, i can not answer, because I have no read enough of the new Science Fiction that is arising such a question as this. But what i do have is a response to the question….

If Science Fiction is being changed because it is becoming more diverse, i only see this as a positive.  Science Fiction does not belong to one culture, one race, one mind set, and by having many different forms and views of Science Fiction only makes it stronger. The reason we read Genre Fiction such as Science Fiction is because it is new, and about something that isn’t real, and we are taken to a new world, and by having different ‘minds’ writing the Science Fiction, it really makes things different.

Whether we like the new versions of science Fiction or not, we should learn to appreciate the different takes of the Genre.

Now i can understand people who have a hard set idea of what they want and expect out of a Science Fiction Novel or Movie, and when they don’t get it, it makes them upset or disappointed. But I personally find new versions of a set idea such as Science Fiction as very interesting, whether i like it or not, whether i agree with it or not, it is interesting to see how other view the same idea/genre as you. It is sort of an opening into their mind or culture.

Just as artists view the same thing, but portray it differently through art, whether you like their style or not, it is still interesting to see things through their eyes and how they process the same thing in different ways.

I might just be too opened minded though ha.

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